Harry Potter Celebration 2017 Overview

This past weekend the annual Harry Potter Celebration at Universal Studios Orlando took place and it was fabulous as always!

This event included Celeb Q&A, access to special discussions and more!

A special unplanned event by the expo was the tribute to actor John Hurt, who famously played Wand Maker Ollivander in the film series.

PC:Attractions Magazine
Experiences included the Sorting Hat experience, where guests can be given their Hogwarts house by the Sorting Hat himself! (Apparently if you are wearing your house colors or even mention your preference, that's the house you get!)
According to many friends who attended the festivities, wait times ranged from 1-3 hours just for exhibits or even photo ops.

Apparently the wait for the Main Expo building's photo op was 1-2 hours long. Also the only film costumes shown were from Fantastic Beasts!

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Unfortunately, friends also confided that the studio tour was a bit lacking but the photo op at the end was pretty....scary.....

The second expo building included a petrified hermione dummy and the Ford Anglia.

The costumes were super creative and to die for! Credit goes to the fabulous EPBOT for all photos!

I was told there was even a woman dressed as Moaning Myrtle!

Exhibitions featured included Wand Combat Classes and An interview with Mary GrandPere, Illustrator of the Harry potter Books!

I will end this post with some videos from the expo including Q&A interviews with cast members!


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